
Posts Tagged ‘Search Engines’

Creating Blog For World News

May 18, 2012 1 comment

A lot has been changed since last time I tried to write blogs on different websites, even before the google’s algorithms has change I was able to top the google search of a specific niche not to brag but hey its me.

So now I’m attempting to relive those moments by creating a new blog site which will cater all about news around the world, In order for me to achieve those ideas I need  people, since I’m not a people person then its gonna be a big problem.

Anyways I recently just found a perfect domainname for the blog site, I will plug it as soon as I bought it, its like $10/year so it kinda hurts my wallet. Of course the platform that I will be using is And I also started looking for the possible free news magazine themes for the blog site.  I prefer the free ones because I can also edit some few codes according to my needs.

So thats it, thought you should know

Peace madafacjkers!