
Posts Tagged ‘pretty’

Deymm Facebook GIRL!!!

April 12, 2010 2 comments

Hot boring summer days. Doing my own stuff, surfin the internet mainly Facebook, lookin other peoples profile. And guess what? I suddenly stumbled upon this lovely lady Called herself “Ella Tran Ha” showed below:

Pretty sexy huh?, Wait I know what your thinkin! Before I jump up to a conclusion I just want to describe her with my own words. She looks friendly, nice and SEXY! lmao…..

But I started to get suspicious about her. Because I tried to googled her name and nothing came up.  I guess someone just pretending to be her and grab her photos. That’s Identity Thief as far as I know. I was really hoping to get more info. about her. If anyone know her, can you please tell me or contact me :P.

Oh btw, If anyone of you want to see more of her photos you can go to and search her name “Ella Tran Ha” which I mentioned above, You will find her lovely photos there! Cheers!